A dependent child needs to purchase their own health insurance at age 26
Before 26, a dependent can stay on his or her parent’s health insurance plan. This extension of coverage ends when the dependent turns 26.
Beginning on the dependent's 26th birthday, they qualify for a 60-day special enrollment period and can sign up for their own insurance. After this 60-day period, a dependent may not be able to get coverage until the next open enrollment period. Depending on income, a dependent may be…
Getting Health Insurance / When things change
Getting Health Insurance / Getting health insurance coverage
Individual policies
If your employer does not offer health insurance, or if the insurance offered does not meet your needs, you may want to purchase an individual policy.
Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to take advantage of subsidized health insurance through New Hampshire's Federally Facilitated Health Insurance Marketplace. Learn more at HealthCare.gov. To help you understand your estimated costs through the marketplace, Learn more
Find a Broker
You can purchase an…
Getting Health Insurance / Getting health insurance coverage
Talk with your employer to see if health insurance coverage is a benefit that's offered to you. If it is, there are usually rules about when you are able to sign up:
When you’re hired: Typically, you have a short period of time after you are first hired to enroll.
During open enrollment: If you don’t enroll when you are first eligible, you will probably need to wait for the annual open enrollment period. When open enrollment happens each year depends on the plan year ― it’s not necessarily…
Getting Health Insurance / Getting health insurance coverage
Health coverage options are available for people in New Hampshire who have recently been laid off or lost their employer sponsored health insurance benefits. Get info on COBRA, NH State Continuation, Granite Advantage, Health Insurance Marketplace and where to find help!
Getting Health Insurance / Getting health insurance coverage
Yes, you can get coverage! Now, because of the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies cannot deny you coverage or charge you more if you have pre-existing medical conditions such as back pain, diabetes, or cancer.
Once you have coverage and have paid for any deductibles, co-insurance or co-payments required, your insurance company cannot refuse to pay for treatment for a pre-existing medical condition.
You can find more information on HealthCare.gov: https://www.healthcare.gov/health-care-…
Getting Health Insurance / Your options and why you need coverage
If you need care right away
If you need medical care before you can get your new coverage in place, there are resources to help. Learn more.
Getting new coverage
When you lose your health insurance, you need to find out what options you have to get coverage.
Getting Health Insurance / Getting health insurance coverage
How do I sign up for insurance in NH? Should I shop around for health insurance? Who can help me with buying health insurance? Information you need to know during open enrollment in New Hampshire is right here.
Getting Health Insurance / Your options and why you need coverage
Consumers in New Hampshire have many options for health insurance. The insurance companies with the largest presence in the state are:
Aetna: https://www.aetna.com/
**Ambetter: https://www.ambetterhealth.com
**Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield: https://www.anthem.com/
Cigna: https://www.cigna.com/
**Harvard Pilgrim HealthCare: https://www.harvardpilgrim.org
Tufts Health Freedom Plan: https://tuftshealthplan.com/
United HealthCare: http://www.uhc.com
**indicates companies offering…
Getting Health Insurance / When things change
Major life changes, known as qualifying life events, can allow you a special enrollment period to change your health plan outside of the standard open enrollment period or policy renewal date. If you have a qualifying life event, review your health insurance coverage to see if you, your spouse, or your dependent children need to make any changes.
The following are examples of qualifying life events:
Getting married or divorced
Having a baby
Adopting a child or placing a child for adoption…
Getting Health Insurance / Getting health insurance coverage
Before you buy a health insurance policy, make sure you understand what you are buying. Click here to find information about what health insurance covers, what costs are included in health plans and helpful tips for managing the cost of your health care.
Getting Health Insurance / Getting health insurance coverage
Health insurance plans are complicated; and, that can make it difficult to decide which one to choose. To really understand what you’re buying you need to step back and look at the whole plan as a package, adding up the pros and cons.
Look at the total cost
Looking only the monthly premium cost will not give you a good picture of what a health plan will cost you, unless you do not expect to use it. The premium is only part of what you will pay. Learn more.
How much the plan requires you to…
Getting Health Insurance / Your options and why you need coverage
As you are look at your insurance options, you may notice different types of health plans. What do all those initials mean?
Getting Health Insurance / Your options and why you need coverage
Health insurance will help you pay for health care, and protect you financially in the case of illness or injury.
Financial protection in case of medical emergencies
Medical emergencies, like serious injuries from a fall or a heart attack, can be very expensive. Fixing a broken limb, emergency surgeries, or spending a night in the hospital can cost thousands of dollars. These costs can lead to significant debt or even bankruptcy without health insurance.
Preventive care
With health…
Getting Health Insurance / Getting health insurance coverage
Medicare supplemental insurance
Insurance companies sell individual Medicare supplement insurance policies that help pay some of the costs that you would otherwise have to pay yourself under original Medicare, such as co-payments, co-insurance, and deductibles. This kind of policy is also known as a Medigap policy because it fills in the gaps in traditional Medicare coverage. You will want to check the supplement plan benefits to understand what is covered, as each plan can be different but…