Getting Health Insurance

Why should you get health insurance? How will it help you save money? This section explains the benefits of getting covered and walks you through how to get started. Learn about the different types of plans as well as the different ways you might get insurance.

Topic Area: Getting health insurance coverage

How do I get health insurance on my own?

Individual policies

If your employer does not offer health insurance, or if the insurance offered does not meet your needs, you may want to purchase an individual policy.

Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to take advantage of subsidized health insurance through New Hampshire's Federally Facilitated Health Insurance Marketplace. Learn more at To help you understand your estimated costs through the marketplace, Learn more  

Find a Broker 

You can purchase an individual policy directly from a health insurance company. Learn more about health insurance companies serving New Hampshire.

For individual policies, you pay the entire premium. There are many plan designs with different costs, such as deductibles, co-payment, and co-insurance cost. The services covered also vary, so you will want to shop around to see what is available and ask questions about exclusions, limitations, and premiums to find the best fit for your health needs. Learn more. 

Government health programs

If you are 65 or older, disabled, or have certain diseases, you may qualify for Medicare health benefits Learn more. 

If you are low-income or disabled, you may qualify for care and services through one or more Medicaid programs. Learn more at or call 800-852-3345, ext. 4344 or 603-271-4344.



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