Lakes Region Mental Health Center

40 Beacon Street East Laconia, NH 03246
(603) 524-1100

All cost information is based on claims data collected in the New Hampshire Comprehensive Healthcare Information System which is updated quarterly. All quality information is based on claims and administrative data collected by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services which is updated annually. For more information click the links above and review our methodology section.

Procedure Estimate of Procedure Cost Estimate of Procedure Cost
This is an estimate of the total charge for the health care service before any discounts provided to the uninsured.
Number of Visits Number of Visits
When the number of visits varies, it is difficult to estimate the total cost of care. This indicates the number of visits you can expect, calculated using the median. To determine the total you might pay, multiply the Estimate of Procedure Cost and the Statewide Average for Number of Visits.
- Above Average: Expect to visit the provider more than the average number of visits.
- Near Average: Expect the visit the provider close to the average number of visits.
- Below Average: Expect to visit the provider less than the average number of visits.
What You Will Pay What You Will Pay
The estimated charge amount minus the uninsured discount (when available).

Uninsured Discount: 0%
Application of Blood Vessel Compression or Decompression Device $53 Below Average
State Average: 2
Electrical Stimulation Therapy $53 Below Average
State Average: 3
Family Psychotherapy with Patient $174 Above Average
State Average: 2
Family Psychotherapy without Patient $218 Near Average
State Average: 1
Group Psychotherapy $97 Below Average
State Average: 5
Low Complexity Physical Therapy Evaluation $210 Near Average
State Average: 1
Manual Physical Therapy $74 Below Average
State Average: 4
Moderate Complexity Physical Therapy Evaluation $336 Near Average
State Average: 1
Neuromuscular Reeducation $93 Below Average
State Average: 4
Office Visit for Established Patient, Low Complexity $245 N/A $245
Office Visit for Established Patient, Moderate Complexity $280 N/A $280
Office Visit for New Patient, High Complexity $473 N/A $473
Physical Therapy Re-Evaluation $158 Near Average
State Average: 1
Preventive Care Visit for Adult, 40-64 $294 N/A $294
Preventive Care Visit for Adult, Ages 18-39 $234 N/A $234
Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation $210 Near Average
State Average: 1
Psychotherapy with Evaluation and Management, 45 Minutes with Patient $105 Above Average
State Average: 2
Psychotherapy, 30 Minutes with Patient $126 Above Average
State Average: 1
Psychotherapy, 45 Minutes with Patient $168 Below Average
State Average: 4
Psychotherapy, 60 Minutes with Patient $158 Near Average
State Average: 6
Therapeutic Activities $95 Below Average
State Average: 3
Therapeutic Exercises $92 Below Average
State Average: 4