
A facility, health care provider health care provider
Professionals that provide health care services to patients. Health care providers include chiropractors, counselors, dentists, dietitians, doctors, nurses, optometrists, paramedics, pharmacists, physician assistants, psychologists, radiologists, social workers, speech pathologists and therapists, among others.
and supplier that does not have a contract with your health insurance plan to provide care to you. You will pay more for health care services received out-of-network health care provider health care provider
Professionals that provide health care services to patients. Health care providers include chiropractors, counselors, dentists, dietitians, doctors, nurses, optometrists, paramedics, pharmacists, physician assistants, psychologists, radiologists, social workers, speech pathologists and therapists, among others.
than services received in-network in-network
The facilities, health care providers and suppliers that your health insurance plan has contracted with to provide services. You will pay less for health care services received in-network than services received out-of-network.