
The amount you pay for the cost of services after you pay any deductibles. Co-insurance is based on the negotiated rate between the insurance company and health care provider health care provider
Professionals that provide health care services to patients. Health care providers include chiropractors, counselors, dentists, dietitians, doctors, nurses, optometrists, paramedics, pharmacists, physician assistants, psychologists, radiologists, social workers, speech pathologists and therapists, among others.
; it is not the provider’s charge. Co-insurance health care provider health care provider
Professionals that provide health care services to patients. Health care providers include chiropractors, counselors, dentists, dietitians, doctors, nurses, optometrists, paramedics, pharmacists, physician assistants, psychologists, radiologists, social workers, speech pathologists and therapists, among others.
is typically a percentage and is limited by the out-of-pocket maximum out-of-pocket maximum
The most you pay during a policy period (usually one year) before your health insurance plan begins to pay 100% for covered health benefits. The out-of-pocket maximum includes the yearly deductible and any cost sharing you have after the deductible. The out-of-pocket maximum will differ depending on your insurance company and the insurance coverage you have. Some companies exclude specific costs such as costs incurred for services that are not covered by the policy, or have different maximums for care provided by network and out-of-network providers. If you have a family plan, there may be out-of-pocket maximums for individuals on your plan, as well as your family.
or annual limit.