Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) Endoscopy With Biopsy

CPT Code 43239

An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. At least one tissue biopsy is removed and submitted for analysis. Other healthcare services are often received at the same time. The cost estimate includes these services to reflect a typical episode of care.

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Provider NameSort by Provider Name Estimate of Procedure Cost Estimate of Procedure Cost
This is an estimate of the total charge for the health care service before any discounts provided to the uninsured.
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Uninsured Discount Uninsured Discount
The minimum discount rate that the health care provider gives to the New Hampshire Insurance Department. The actual discount depends on your financial status and the health care provider’s charity care policy.
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What You Will Pay What You Will Pay
The estimated charge amount minus the uninsured discount (when available).
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Typical Patient Complexity Typical Patient Complexity
This indicates how healthy or sick the patients are that receive care for this procedure at this health care provider. Some health care providers see patients that have more complex health issues or are less healthy than others, and it may be more expensive to treat them.
Statewide Averages $9,240
$12,118 91% $1,091 Medium
$14,596 91% $1,314 High
Concord Hospital
Concord, NH
$5,647 67% $1,863 Medium
Exeter Hospital
Exeter, NH
$6,929 63% $2,564 Medium
$8,376 67% $2,764 Medium
Catholic Medical Center
Manchester, NH
$8,950 67% $2,954 Medium
$10,001 69% $3,100 Medium
Elliot Hospital
Manchester, NH
$8,129 59% $3,333 Medium
$8,861 57% $3,810 Medium
St. Joseph Hospital
Nashua, NH
$10,516 61% $4,101 Medium
$7,886 40% $4,732 Medium
Steward Medical Group
Methuen, MA
$5,739 0% $5,739 Medium
York Hospital
York, ME
$6,539 0% $6,539 High
Lahey Health
Burlington, MA
$6,649 0% $6,649 Medium
$11,211 33% $7,511 Medium
$13,842 0% $13,842 Medium
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