Treatment of Speech, Language, Voice, Communication, or Hearing Processing Disorder

CPT Code 92507

An interactive treatment session between a provider and an individual for speech, language, voice, communication, or hearing processing disorders.

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Provider NameSort by Provider Name Estimate of Procedure Cost Estimate of Procedure Cost
This is an estimate of the total charge for the health care service before any discounts provided to the uninsured.
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Uninsured Discount Uninsured Discount
The minimum discount rate that the health care provider gives to the New Hampshire Insurance Department. The actual discount depends on your financial status and the health care provider’s charity care policy.
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What You Will Pay What You Will Pay
The estimated charge amount minus the uninsured discount (when available).
Sort by What You Will Pay
Statewide Averages $131
$257 69% $80
$93 0% $93
KidSpeak Therapies
Concord, NH
$94 0% $94
The Moore Center
Manchester, NH
$95 0% $95
Easterseals New Hampshire
Manchester, NH
$95 0% $95
$95 0% $95
Nashua Center
Nashua, NH
$100 0% $100
Lannon Twomey, MS
Townsend, MA
$105 0% $105
$105 0% $105
$105 0% $105
Apraxia Kids
Londonderry, NH
$105 0% $105
$105 0% $105
$105 0% $105
Convenient MD
Concord, NH
$107 0% $107
$331 67% $109
Miracle Farm Speech Therapy
Hampton Falls, NH
$110 0% $110
$110 0% $110
$116 0% $116
$116 0% $116
$116 0% $116
$116 0% $116
St. Joseph Hospital
Nashua, NH
$318 61% $124
Catholic Medical Center
Manchester, NH
$380 67% $125
$126 0% $126
Dana Rimer, MS
Danvers, MA
$126 0% $126
$126 0% $126
Valley Regional Hospital
Claremont, NH
$229 45% $126
$131 0% $131
$131 0% $131
$131 0% $131
$131 0% $131
Concord Hospital
Concord, NH
$397 67% $131
$131 0% $131
Core Physicians
Exeter, NH
$131 0% $131
$131 0% $131
$131 0% $131
$134 0% $134
$137 0% $137
$137 0% $137
Speech & Language Center
North Andover, MA
$137 0% $137
$142 0% $142
Community Bridges
Concord, NH
$142 0% $142
Speech Matters
Andover, MA
$147 0% $147
$154 0% $154
Exeter Hospital
Exeter, NH
$416 63% $154
Elliot Hospital
Manchester, NH
$378 59% $155
Monadnock Community Hospital
Peterborough, NH
$250 38% $155
$158 0% $158
$158 0% $158
$158 0% $158
$158 0% $158
Premier Speech Therapy
Londonderry, NH
$158 0% $158
$158 0% $158
Toby Freeman
Bedford, NH
$158 0% $158
$158 0% $158
OT Works 4 Kidz
Windham, NH
$168 0% $168
$168 0% $168
Community Crossroads
Atkinson, NH
$189 0% $189
$189 0% $189
$335 41% $198
Memorial Hospital
North Conway, NH
$301 33% $201
Weeks Medical Center
Lancaster, NH
$369 44% $206
$335 37% $211
$216 0% $216
$347 33% $232
$242 0% $242
$263 0% $263
$279 0% $279
Maine Health
Biddeford, ME
$301 0% $301
$311 0% $311
York Hospital
York, ME
$323 0% $323
Bridgton Hospital
Bridgton, ME
$364 0% $364
Lahey Health
Burlington, MA
$366 0% $366
Katherine McGarry
Litchfield, NH
$394 0% $394
$394 0% $394
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