Red Blood Cell Sedimentation Rate, Non-Automated

CPT Code 85651

A manual erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) test where a lab analyst places whole blood in a slender tube and records the distance in millimeters that the red cells fall in 60 minutes to determine the presence of inflammation in the body.

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Actual driving distances may vary
Provider NameSort by Provider Name Estimate of Procedure Cost Estimate of Procedure Cost
This is an estimate of the total charge for the health care service before any discounts provided to the uninsured.
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Uninsured Discount Uninsured Discount
The minimum discount rate that the health care provider gives to the New Hampshire Insurance Department. The actual discount depends on your financial status and the health care provider’s charity care policy.
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What You Will Pay What You Will Pay
The estimated charge amount minus the uninsured discount (when available).
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Statewide Averages $48
Weeks Medical Center
Lancaster, NH
$16 44% $9
$13 0% $13
Appledore Medical Group
Portsmouth, NH
$13 0% $13
$13 0% $13
Core Physicians
Exeter, NH
$13 0% $13
$13 0% $13
Atrius Health
Beverly, MA
$15 0% $15
$21 0% $21
Anna Jaques Hospital
Newburyport, MA
$27 0% $27
Memorial Hospital
North Conway, NH
$42 33% $28
$49 40% $30
Exeter Hospital
Exeter, NH
$87 63% $32
$57 41% $33
Huggins Hospital
Wolfeboro, NH
$70 50% $35
Laconia, NH
$70 40% $42
$48 0% $48
York Hospital
York, ME
$54 0% $54
$66 0% $66
Bridgton Hospital
Bridgton, ME
$68 0% $68
$70 0% $70
$70 0% $70
Dartmouth Health
Lebanon, NH
$70 0% $70
Manchester VAMC
Manchester, NH
$75 0% $75
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