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New Hampshire HealthCare Dollar

Operationalizing in-state direct measures of healthcare expenditures, the New Hampshire Insurance Department has created a Total HealthCare Expenditure (THCE) Model, used to track statewide healthcare expenditures by service category, health condition, payer type, individual healthcare systems, individual healthcare facilities, and geographic region. In 2022 total health care expenditures in New Hampshire were $13.02 billion reflecting per capita health care expenditures of $9,331 per person. Below we present the first New Hampshire HealthCare Dollar, a visual representation of how each dollar spent on healthcare is distributed across the entire healthcare delivery system, among the commercially insured. In 2022, 52 cents of every dollar was spent on hospital facility charges whereas 28 cents was spent on health care professionals including doctors, nurses, physician assistants, etc. Prescription drug expenditures continue to be an increasing share of the health care dollar, and in 2022 we report that 19 cents of every dollar was spent on prescription drugs. To learn more about service category definitions see the full THCE report below.

2022 HealthCare Dollar

thce report


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